Diagnosing Noises in Your Car
Diagnosing Noises in Your Car
Noises can indicate a great many things with your vehicle. They can mean everything from an engine that’s about to scatter all over the road to the need to secure the stuff in the trunk. When looking for the source of a noise, it’s important to isolate where it’s coming from. In this article I’ll go over some techniques that can help you find the source of the noise you’re hearing.
Video Title: Diagnosing Noises in Your Car – EricTheCarGuy Video Description: In this Article we talk about Diagnosing Noises in Your Car and how and fix them. Thumbnail: http://www.ericthecarguy.com/images/faq_buttons/Large_FAQ_Images/Noises-icon-1200.jpg
1 thought on “Diagnosing Noises in Your Car”
Brad Austin Parker
February 23, 2021 at 7:46 pm
I watch allot of videos but I have a question I have a 2003 Lexus ES300 V6 and when I’m driving fast like let’s 30-40 mil per hr there’s a loud noise probably coming from the front or somewhere else in the front and I’m trying go to school getting my ASE certified mechanic also so I’m right now I’m teaching my self and I need your advice please