2001 Acura/Honda GSR Radiator Replacement, Real Time
I thought I would try something a little different with this one and do the video in real time. As it often happens, things didn’t quite go as planned because I was given the wrong radiator. Don’t be too mad at my parts guy though, it’s an easy mistake to make. In fact, I do show why the mistake was made and how to deal with it if you run into the same problem. This put a slight wrinkle in my plans but in the end the video was shot in real time for the most part. Honestly, it seemed kinda boring at first so I added my first narration. It’s almost like a directors commentary. In fact, it kinda gives me an idea. I’ll get back to you on that. For now, here’s some of those links I mentioned.
Hose clamp pliers:
Performance Tool W80655 Angled Hose Clamp Pliers
The spring compressors that didn’t work:
Sunex 3720 Locking Flexible Hose Clamp Pliers
- 24″ flexible neck cable for hard to reach areas
- Clamps lock in open position
- Removes plastic and metal self-tightening (11/16″ – 2-1/2″ diameter) hose clamps
Spill Free Funnel:
Lisle 24680 Spill Free Funnel Set
The Spill Free Funnel has been improved by adding an extra 45 degree elbow, a 5” extension, and a new E adapter. The E adapter is used on the surge tanks on many Ford applications. 45 degree elbow allows use on radiator caps that are placed at an angle. Extension allows access to caps located under shrouds or in fender wells.
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Bleeding a Cooling System:
Discussion about this video: http://www.ericthecarguy.com/../47083-2001-gsr-radiator-replacement-real-time#72452