
Diagnosing Exhaust Restrictions

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge The EricTheCarGuy Video Forum Diagnosing Exhaust Restrictions

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  • #488418
    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      This one kinda goes with the catalytic converter video. I had a lot of people suggest that because the catalytic converter was not doing it’s job that it was clogged and causing a restriction, that’s not always the case and this video shows how to verify that. I look forward to your comments.

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    • #488507

        My engine is turbocharged. Will this test still work or would I have to remove the o2 sensor like you were talking about?


          A few questions about this Eric:

          1. Should I expect similar behavior from the OBDII output of a MAP sensor?

          2. Does this only apply if the car is in neutral/park? My map sensor readings show I’m building vacuum at about 2000 RPM on the road but actually go down when I rev to 2000 at idle.

          3. Should the car be at operating termperature for this?

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